Till's Rings (Selfportrait)
In 1989, when 3D animation was still the sole domain of the likes of George Lukas and Pixar, the Commodore Amiga computer made it possible for an ambitious art student like me, to aspire to dream up a master’s thesis at the San Francisco Art Institute that was to prove that 3D animation, like photography at the beginning of the 20th century had to, was a legitimate art-form. After 20 years of thinking this piece lost, I re-discovered an old VHS tape that I gave to my parents over 20 years ago…the quality is horrid and lacks the meticulous look&feel that i honed during almost a year of work on this, but as a document of my own creative history, it is priceless to me. It was my attempt to prove that 3d animation can be art, by combining my hand-drawings and intaglio etchings within the context of a modern medium thought to be too sterile to qualify as art.